Passwords and why they need to be strong
As I stated in my previous post, passwords should never be shared, but also another point about passwords that we tend to forget is they need to be strong.
What is a strong password you are asking. A strong password is a password that is complex, which means usually greater than eight characters, include numbers letters and special characters. No P@ssw0rd isn't a strong password, I bet that password is most likely in every dictionary attack file.
By now you are saying to yourself "how the hell am I supposed to remeber all these passwords, have my bank, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc etc etc." Well there are some great password managers that integrate themselves in your web browser, Apple has their own. But in the end even if you have a complex password sometime it isn't enough. In comes Two Factor Authentication aka 2FA. Many modern websites and services offer 2FA, weather using an app, or sending a SMS to your phone. This again adds just the extra layer to secure your information.
If you don't have 2FA enabled your accounts, you may want to reconsider that. Since we clean our homes and cars often, we really should be taking the time to review all of our various accounts and the security associated with them. It only takes a few minutes per account, but it keeps the headaches and heartaches to a bareable level.
Dr. Phil even had an episode that really put it in the spotlight that acocunts that aren't secure and easily breakable can cause you a lot of pain. I myself have even seen companies have their websites hijacked or hosted email hijacked because someone didn't listen and chose to do their own thing when it came to passwords.
So in closing, treat your data as you would you car, or children. Respect your data and don't give anyone a chance to steal it.